Integrating Payment Gateway With Mendix

Tue, Jan 25, 22

I needed way to accept payments securely in a Mendix app. The Mendix Marketplace typically has a solution to your problem - whether it was created by the Mendix team, or by the community; someone has already faced (or is facing) the same problem as you.

In this case, I needed to integrate Braintree - a payment gateway which accepts multiple payment types (Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, Card). Which (at the time) no published content was available on the Mendix Marketplace. This required custom work.

Mendix front-end components (like input box, datalist, drop-down) are called ‘Widgets’ and are built using React - a JavaScript framework. If you are creating a custom widget, a beginner friendly starting point can easily be generated using the Mendix Pluggable Widget Generator.

Mendix back-end logic is built using Java. If you want to extend beyond the capabilities of built-in Microflow actions, you need to create a ‘Java Action’, which is a Java method that can be called from a Microflow.

To fully integrate Braintree payment gateway into our app, I had to implement the front-end web-drop-in JavaScript library into a ‘Widget’ and back-end Java API functionality into a ‘Java Action’.

Here is a simple sequence diagram of how the communication between systems works…

  Client->>Mendix app: Give me a token
  note over Mendix app: Generate client token
  Mendix app-->>Client: Here's your token
  note over Client: Token used by<br/>web-drop-in for checkout

  Client->>Braintree server: I've completed checkout flow
  Braintree server-->>Client: Here's your Payment method nonce
  note over Client,Braintree server: Could be success or error

  Client->>Mendix app: Here's my Payment method nonce
  note over Mendix app: Generate transaction<br/>request
  Mendix app->>Braintree server: Transaction request
  Braintree server-->>Mendix app: Transaction response
  note over Braintree server,Mendix app: Could be success or error

Braintree also has a ‘How it works’ documentation page, which explains it in more detail.

In the screenshot below, you can see the Braintree drop-in JavaScript library implemented as a Mendix Widget, rendered in an app.

Braintree web-drop-in JavaScript library rendered in the client of a Mendix app

You can find the source code for the front-end web-drop-in widget in the Mendix-BraintreeDropIn GitHub repo. Thanks for reading!